Sexay Duffy



tyson tyson tyson

tyson the fighter

Duffy's concert

I luuuuurrrrrrrvvvvvvvvvvvve Duffy. My friends love her too. She's coming to Singapore to perform live. I didn't know who she was at first and, when i saw her photo in the papers the other day, I thought she must be some young singer who appeals to teens only. What I found out later surprised me a bit cos the one whom I thought was a middle-aged black singer singing 'Release Me' turned out to be her. And she's only 24!!!!

What i mean to say is firstly, she doesn't sound her age and more importantly, she has been able to position herself apart from the other singers. Simply put, in Duffy's case, it's not just another girl who can sing.

bla bla bla

bla bla bla


